

HOLIDAY here we come!!!!!!


Quote of the day

"I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might have-been has never been, but a has was once an are." Milton Berle


How to pretend everything is OK

There are times when everything is spiraling out of control, but you don't want the outside world to know the true anxiety and hopelessness that you feel. There are ways to protect yourself, to project to the outside world the image of a carefree happy person. These methods take time to learn, but once you master them, you may not even know yourself how you truly feel.

Step 1
Smile. Keep it in place at all times. Give others the impression that you really are happy. Be overly happy, almost to the point that you are manic. Annoy people with the fact that you never seem stressed or sad.

Step 2

Escape. Find a place to go where you don't have to deal with reality. This place doesn't have to be an actual location. It can be in someone's arms, into a book, or even into another state of mind.

Step 3
Lie. Lie to everyone. Especially to yourself. This is very difficult at first. But eventually, with enough practice, you will be able to have no idea exactly how not happy you truly are.
(not recommended)

Step 4
Don't Think. Until you master the art of lying to yourself, just don't think about anything. Don't think about the topics that will bring you down, and don't think about anything else either since your thoughts may wander down paths to the topics that will bring you down. So, to be safe, just don't think.

P.S : I think smiling really helps but even that is hard to do sometimes

no offense

you know you're one of my Best Friends. and you know that friend can't hurt each other, talk behind her back, lying over her, avoid each other, and a best friend should be the best for her besties. but do you know what are you doing now?
you act like a boss, and i'm a loser.
you said that i'm a liar
you talk behind my back
A true friend will never do those things
A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
and now i know that you're not my true friend, you're just a-friend-for-fun.
don't pretend that nothing happened, and everything's okay with me.

When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.

P.S : no offense.



ignore me, avoid me, but do not hate me.

Free Day - Friday

- hari terakhir ujian praktek
- ujian praktek seni musik
- pool party @shaq's
- my brother bought me a lomolitos!!!!!!
- prepare for uas (wish me luck)




hari ini gue ga ada kerjaan banget deh. dari kemaren pulang sekolah cuma tidur, makan, tidur lagi, check facebook blog dan lain lain. tapi tadi di sekolah lumayan lah ya ada hiburan
sedikit. jadi hari ini gue tuh ujian praktek komputer trs gue dapet giliran yang pertama(fyi komputer ada 3 sesi) padahal ghrena thalita omin dapetnya sesi ketiga, kalo dinda kedua. nah berarti gue sendirian dong. sebenernya ada yang lain cuma berhubung kelas gue kurang asik (maaf) jadi garing gitu di ruang komputer. yaudah akhirnya gue duduk di sebelah rizki. tau ga sih loooooo tes nya ga penting bgt, jadi disuruh bikin kartun animasi gitu pake program macromedia flash mx temanya indonesia. mau bikin apaan coba tuh. macromedia itu program bikin animasi semacem paint brush cuma lebih canggih soalnya gambar sama tulisan yang lo buat bisa gerak2 trs muter2 gitu asik banget deh huahahahaha lanjuttttt, akhirnya gue gambar aja bendera bendera sm pulau-pulau warna ijo maksudnya kepulauan indonesia. abis itu gue bikin tulisan indonesia yang funkycutie abis itu semuanya gue bikin gerak ke atas kebawah. pas gambar gue selesai gue blg gini ke rizki "kiiiiiii liat ki gambar gue awesome bgt kaaaan?" rizki bilang "oh bagus mut...bagus daripada gue kapal-kapal gini ga jelas" gue ga tau ya dia jujur apa ngga tapi ki, gambar lo itu lebih bagus daripada gue soalnya matahari lo bisa muter-muter. yaudah gue panggil si guru komputer fuck namanya antoni. trs pas nilai dia bilang "coba ctrl+enter...hmm yaya" abis itu gue bilang "bagus kan pak? bagus kan?" eh tau ga sih lo dia bilang apa "hmm itu apa? kamu gambar cendol?" hah?!?!?!?!?! cendol?????? dasar kampung lo. hhhhh gimana gue ga kesel. yaudah lupain antoni. selesai komputer, gue turun kebawah soalnya kan ruang komputer ada di lantai 3. pas sampe dibawah gue liat ghrena thalita omin sama karcin lagi jalan ke parkiran yaudah gue samperin trs katanya mereka pada mau ke sd bm, akhirnya gue ikut. di sd bm kan banyak orang yang jualan makanan, akhirnya gue beli nasi uduk. yang lain pada beli bubur ayam. tadinya gue mau beli bubur tapi gue laper bgt yaudah akhirnya beli nasi uduk. oh iya nasi uduk nya harga nya 17 ribu, kalo bubur cuma 5 ribu. mendingan gue beli bubur ayam :S
balik ke smp bm, gue masih makan yg lain juga makanannya blm abis jadi kita makan di kelas. selesai makan, thalita ghrena omin ke atas buat praktek komputer. gue blm dijemput jadi gue ke avi. trs tadi foto-foto pake kameranya ai sama tamara
(tam foto infrared nya manaaaaaaaa). abis itu yang jemput kakak gue jemput trs tadi kita ke sushi tei mau makan dulu, abis itu beli cetak foto abis itu gue beli baju karena seragam gue loecoe bgt. sampe dirumah...................gue tidur. bangun-bangun jam 4an. padahal gue tidur jam 1. abis itu ga ada kerjaan yaudah as usual, nyalain laptop buka fb, youtube, ol msn, blog. kebiasaan stalking gue juga ga bisa dirubah. jadi setiap hari gue buka facebook itu gue liatin profile orang-orang, terutama hmmmm. sebenernya ga penting juga sih ngeliat foto-foto nya trs ngeliatin wall-to-wall nya abis itu ngeliat status nya. itu ga sehari aja, tapi bisa setiap gue online. parah. ok, jadi sekarang gue harus rubah kebiasaan -o'-'o-



Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony?

What song are you listening to right now?
chocolate high - india arie

What do you love?
friends, family, money :p

American or British?


Who was your first kiss?

what is your favorite movie?
angus, thongs and perfect snogging

whos your favorite celebrity???
favorite?drew barrymore

Do you prefer people with glasses or with contacts?

dolphin or whale?

Gold or Silver?

If you were an animal, what kind would you be?

What was your favorite high school subject?

Are you the only child?
no i am not :(

what is the best part of high school?
not yet

Do you spend too much time on facebook?

Baby girl or baby boy?

What is your favourite comfort food?

Do u believe in God?
yes i do

Favorite cartoon?
the simpsons&powerpuffgirls!!!!

Shower everyday?
twice a day

Do you like Americans?
yessss cause i want their skin tone

How would you spend the last five minutes with the one person of the opposite sex that you loved the most?
having fun together, and i'll say that i really really love him

least favorite song in the world?

If you could choose your ethnicity what would you choose?

What is your favorite movie quote?
"Don't be flattered that he misses you. He should miss you. You're deeply missable. However, he's still the same person who just broke up with you. Remember, the only reason he can miss you is because he's choosing, every day, not to be with you." - He's Just Not That Into You

What would be the soundtrack to the movie about your life?
new soul - yael naim

if you fell off a cliff what would be you last thought?
am i gonna die?

Describe your evil twin.
greedy, moody, liar

Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, or hobbit
elf looks like an angel haha

Do you like to go on msn?

Mc Donalds or Burger King??

If you could make any junk food super-nutritious, which one would you pick?

Do you like to go online everyday?
yes, that's one of my daily routine

How far do you drive to school/work every day?
idk. i don't drive the car, my driver does

What is your favorite kind of cheese?
mozzarela yummmmmmy

What do you want?
keterima di smun 70!!!!!!!!!!!! hp, new laptop, etc.

where were you born?

Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie??

die with wealth, or a loved one?
omggggg neither

Last film seen
happily never after 2

What is your ideal pizza?
meat lovers is just enough

Look to your left: What do you see?

What are you wearing right now?
school uniform

Star Wars or Star Trek?
neither :S

Scotland or Italy
italy!!!!!! scotland is weird

Apple juice or orange juice?
orange juice

Where in the world do you feel the safest?
home sweet home

Death Metal or rap?
ha? maybe rap

cheereleading or gymnastics
cheerleading. what is gymnastics?

Ice Cream or Sherbet?
ice cream...........

Sex before marriage or after marriage??
after marriage!

Biggest regret?
do i have to answer this?

Two sports I played in middle school?

What musical instrument do you play?
i play piano a little bit

Are you self obsessed?
sometime ha-ha

Who Are Your Best Friends?
bm22 and too many to be mentioned

Why do you go on facebook?
keep contact with my friends, facebook=boredom busters

Is there any circumstance where cheating is okay?

What is your biggest turn on?

Rap or Hip-Hip?
what is Hip-Hip?

What motivates you?
people around me, and some quotes

do you currently like anyone?
i don't think so

If you look at the color blue, what does it make you think of?

Favorite perfume?
clinique happy

What is your favorite grocery store?
ranch market

Orlando bloom or Johnny depp?
orlando bloom :B

what do you think they eat in heaven?
helathy foods perhaps

Do you drink coffee?
yes i do

Do you like to bake/cook?
no, but i like to eat hehe

Do you believe in ghosts?
i believe in God

Winter or summer?
summer all the way

Do you have any piercings/tatoos?

What are your "comfy clothes"?
plain t's & shorts

if you were one of the seven dwarfs, who would you be?
i would be snow white, i don't wannabe one of the seven dwarfs :p

Do you believe in heaven and hell?
of course i do

Rolling Stones or Beatles?

What colour are your eyes?
dark brown

What sort of character would you play in a comic book (hero, humorous sidekick, villian, that abrasive newspaper guy, etc.)

Coke or Pepsi?

If you were one word, what word would you be?

If you could time travel, what would be your first stop?
13th December 2008 :'(

What is your natural hair color?
natural black

How many people are in your family?

Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?
i love both of them

Whats the First Thing You Notice In A Boy/Girl?
smile, behavior, style

What language would you like to speak fluently?
indonesia & english

Desktop or Laptop?

Whats your favorite sport?

Are you in love?
NO, please don't ask about my love life.

How many kids (or any at all) would you want to have?
2, a boy and a girl

Chocolate or other candy?

Sour or sweet candy?
sweet candies

Favorite hot drink?

City or the suburbs?

What is your dream job?
architect&graphic designer

What religion did you choose to follow?

Performing Arts, Fine Arts, or Sports?

Riding horses or riding dolphins?

What is your favorite color?
pink, white, maroon

beach or mountain?

left handed or right handed?

Why are you taking this interview?
have no other things to do

who do you count on when feeling down
best friend&mom

What attracts you most?
good looking and personality

Do you feel comfortable showing PDA in public?
yes, why not?

Close your eyes for a moment, who pops into your head?

Do you say "I love you" in the relationship?
yes i

Aliens have landed and selected you to visit their home planet. Do you go with them?
no, aliens are weird

Describe your perfect Sunday morning?
having breakfast with my full family and do some photo shoot

If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
my self

If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook?

What makes you cry?

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions?
shop till drop, and save it for my family, save it for my education

If you could travel back in time, what mistake(s) would you want to correct?
there are many mistakes that i've done!!!!!!!!!!

What do you do for fun?

Are you an outdoor or an indoor person

If you had only six months to live, what would you do first?
six months?tobatlah yawww

What 3 words would your best friend use to describe you?
creative, annoying, nice

Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have?
yes, kitty cats

Get the number or give the number?
give my number

Romance or Kinky?
romance, sometimes kinky

How do you feel?
bored and sad

What size shoes do you wear?

Water or 100% Juice?
mineral water

What is your favorite clothing brand?
(x) s.m.l

If you had to pick one car, which would it be?

Your favorite Disney Films?
snow white & alice in wonderland

What was your last thought?

Juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
milk and cookies

Favorite fruit?

Define yourself in 3 words...
selfish, creative, and silly

What is your favorite TV show?
gossip girl, the simpsons

Kill the spider or let it out?
let it out

Do you shower every single day?

Where do you want to travel next?

What is your favorite food?
macaroni schottel

Do you read harry potter books?
yes, i collected them

What is your favorite place?
fun places

If you could have one super human power what would you choose?
read people's mind and can see the future

Have you had a beer in the last week?
no i haven't

Vitamin Water or Gatorade?
vit water

Flip flops or sandles?
flip flops

What is your favorite song of all time?
how deep is your love by the bird and the bee

Do you like bananas?
they're healthy, why not?



Taman Menteng

kangennnnnnnn :'''')

SAMAN 22!!!!!

ini yang paling dikangenin :'''''')

thanks for warning me.

ok. hari ini sebenernya sumpah biasa banget. tapi biasa ini berubah jadi gak biasa waktu gue mulai sign in facebook. minggu ini sama minggu kemaren gue pulang cepet jadi jam 10/11 soalnya ada ujian praktek. gue bener-bener pulang langsung ke rumah padahal gue pengen bisa main kemana kek bareng yang lain, tapi........................balik lagi ke hari ini, abis gue sign in trs liat foto-foto di facebook gue jadi inget sekolah & temen-temen gue yang lain. terserah deh lo mau bilang norak apa lebay sama post gue, TERSERAH. krn gue emg bener-bener kangen dan pengen bisa bareng mereka lagi. ya emang salah gue dateng terlambat ke sekolah jadi semuanya udah pada masuk, trs ga pernah bisa jalan bareng, ga bisa jadi temen yang asik. iya gue salah. mungkin juga gue salah ya udah coba bantuin temen gue. mungkin gue ga bisa jadi orang yang jujur. mungkin jadi jahat itu lebih bener daripada jadi netral. mungkin menyebalkan itu emang cocok buat gue, makasi udah ngasih tau dgn cara lo yang halus bgt. secara ga langsung gue juga udah ngerti. makasi. tapi ini bukan berarti gue ga suka atau apa, justru gue berterima kasih buat itu. jangan ngerasa gimana-gimana krn yang gue omongin juga ga bermaksud bikin lo ngerasa gimana2 ok? i love you!


If time flies when you're having fun, it hits the afterburners when you don't think you're having enough

10 random things

1. i've got a broken arm AAAAARGH jadi harus pake perban kemana-mana, termasuk ke sekolah
2. ujian praktek itu ternyata lamaaaaaaaa bgt, bikin bosen
3. having a relationship is tiring
4. i can't wait to watch He's Just Not That Into You movie!!!
5. iPhone 3G is kind of tempting.......
6. pringles is a best snack everrrrrr
7. i've just watched Over Her Dead Body. eva longoria is awesome.
8. The Master itu seru banget mennnnnn (norak) HAHAHA kmrn gue baru pertama kali nonton trs yang menang namanya Jos........lupa
9. this weekend = BORING.
10. i hate brrrrrrrrrpppppP.



" Having one honest friend is better than
twenty dishonest friends."


does it work?